XXVI Meeting of Members of the International Union of Economists – June 4-11, 2017 – Norway


XXVI Meeting of Members of the International Union of Economists
From 4 to 11 June 2017goda in the Kingdom of Norway was XXVI Meeting of Members of the International Union of Economists on the theme: “The World Economy – Global Change”.

The Meeting was attended by members of the Presidium of the International Union of Economists and the Free Economic Society, as well as leading scientists, experts, representatives of government agencies and business circles of the Russian Federation.

The Plenary Session was held on June 5, 2017.

The Plenary discussion addressed the following issues: economic crisis and environmental disasters; financial instability; polarization of the technological and economic level of development of countries and civilizations as a whole, and also identified the main directions and strategy of movement towards a new civilization capable of meeting the challenges of the XXI century.

The plenary session was opened by the first vice-president, general director of the International Union of Economists, first vice-president of the World Economic Forum, academician of the International Academy of Management, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Economics and Management, candidate of economic sciences, professor Viktor Naumovich Krasilnikov.


Member of the Presidium of VEO of Russia and the International Union of Economists, Academician of the International Academy of Management, Academician of the K.E. Tsialkovsky Russian Academy of Cosmonautics and the International Academy of Astronautics, Doctor of Economics and Management, Professor Efim Malitikov.

As well as Alexey Anatolievich Gromyko, Ruslan Semyonovich Grinberg, Vladimir Ivanovich Scherbakov, Inga Valeryevna Legasova, Oleg Nikolayevich Soskovets spoke.

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