25th Anniversary of the Academic Consortium “International University of Kyrgyzstan” – October 10-14, 2018. – Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan


Minister and Academician
Chairman and President
International Association “Znanie”
Chairman of the Interstate Committee
for the Advancement of Knowledge and Adult Education,
Efim Mikhailovich Malitikov,
At the Jubilee Decade,
dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Academic Consortium
“International University of Kyrgyzstan:
International Educational Forum:
“Globalization of Education and Science: New Technologies”
October 10-14, 2018
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

World University of a new type
Without language, national and cultural borders.
(New Technologies of Sustainable Development in a Global World).

Your Excellencies!
Ladies and gentlemen!

The process of mental change is the most complex and time-consuming process of human life.
The classroom-lesson form of education has exhausted its resources in our information age because its performance does not meet the demands of global governance processes.
Therefore, we need to free our minds from worldview stereotypes and standard arguments.
The great scientist Vernadsky said: “Humanity is a totally unique variety of earthly resources, possessing a very specific nature of energy replenishment – through knowledge!”
However, today we have a digital abyss of a billion completely illiterate people who can’t read or write, and in addition

a 5-billion-year-old civilization that lags behind the necessary modern knowledge.
Bridging this digital divide with the current classroom-lesson form of education is impossible.
The poorest billion people on Earth live where the Internet is too expensive or simply cannot be arranged because of the landscape and harsh natural conditions. These are the mountainous regions, the Arctic Circle and the Far North. When used en masse, satellite channels become a hundred times cheaper than the Internet.
Today billions of people do not have access to modern education. Billions of people cannot find jobs, participate in scientific and technological progress and cultural life. Poverty and destitution accompany them all their lives.
This is where the drug mafia, criminals and terrorism draw their reserves….
The problems of equality of access to learning apply to tens of millions of the world’s elderly population. Today they are a heavy burden on the shoulders of the world economy, and with access to education – its positive balance.
Only a system of education that has the latest means of delivering knowledge to the consumer on the basis of modern satellite communications can cope with this task.
The modern professor needs not a 40-seat auditorium, not a classroom, but an army of half a million listeners.
When the number of illiterate, non-competitive people on Earth exceeds a critical mass, they can bury Sustainable Human Development.
Planetary values are constantly changing.
What is needed today is a super-modern educational structure that is simultaneously a University, a major broadcasting company and a World Digital Library.
The required number of classrooms must be increased by a thousand times or more, which is impossible in a real classroom.
Modern educational content, should be sent from university television studios via satellite teleporters on target request to anywhere on the planet.
We need to keep in mind that to get and do Decent Work, we need diversified cutting-edge, not yesterday’s, Knowledge and Skills.
Today the global teacher shortage is 26%. At the same time, 45 million Teachers are hopelessly out of step with today’s knowledge.

The Digital Divide becomes a Gap if the Teacher, with the most up-to-date knowledge, does not have a Global Audience and Global Productivity.
It is necessary to use the modern Satellite Technologies of knowledge dissemination already available to mankind. Their productivity is many orders of magnitude greater than the technology of knowledge transfer from Man to Man.
The world needs a space distributor – a teleporter – a real World University to do the job.
The younger generation has long been crossing the borders of civilized countries on its own through virtual space.
All that is needed is an innovative change at the mental level in our minds.
What is needed is mass education of people, with a minimum and only initially based on Learning, and then giving them the opportunity to Study according to their interests and abilities.
I represent here the oldest nongovernmental organization, the International Association (AI) Znanie, which has UNIDO consultative status, UN ECOSOC General Consultative Status, and consultative status with the UN Department of Public Information (DPI).
For 70 years, our organization has been dedicated to education: Our 4.5 million members gave over 25 million lectures a year before 2000. Today that productivity is sorely lacking.
Over the last decades we have accumulated huge experience and technical potential, mastered new technologies, created the world’s largest satellite educational centers in Moscow, Russian regions, CIS countries and a number of other countries including hard-to-reach high mountains and remote northern regions.
Every year since the beginning of this century more than 20% of knowledge used today is updated.
Intellectual bankruptcy in the specialty comes in
in 5-6 years.
The world needs talented popularizers of the latest achievements of civilization in various branches of knowledge, provided with productive technologies of dissemination.
Knowledge is the energy medium of civilization, and is “spilling over”
among a multitude of universities, educational and scientific centers.
The Internet has indeed been a real breakthrough in the field of communications. But there is one “but”: it only works where the cable is laid.
There are many places on Earth where the Internet simply cannot be set up because of the landscape – in high mountains, for example.

In reality, this means that billions of people today do not have access to modern education.
Think about it – billions of people cannot compete, cannot have jobs, cannot adequately participate in scientific and technological progress and cultural life.
More than three billion people earn less than two dollars a day, about two billion people live on one dollar a day!
The World Bank has come up with a formula – industry directly accounts for no more than 16% of the potential of modern civilization, the rest comes from human resources.
There are backward areas in every country. Every country has a budget to fight poverty. Planetary problems are so called because they have long crossed national boundaries.
The CIS countries, leaving the Soviet Union, staged a “parade of sovereignty. This is when revolutions only prove their futility compared to the gentle and creative nature of evolution.
Communication via satellite is many times cheaper than laying a cable for the Internet.
The most important thing, today, is to communicate to as many minds as possible a fairly simple idea: knowledge must be distributed evenly over the planet. For the sake of metaphor, I say “spreading knowledge over the planet like butter on bread.
Very soon the global community will have to become more and more accustomed to such notions as “world university” and “global audience of listeners.
The world university is more of a virtual concept, denoting a world center “that is present everywhere.
Through this virtual network, you have access to all the best programs and the most talented faculty in the world.
My associates and I work tirelessly 365 days a year to fulfill this request.
Only modern space telecommunications and distance learning and retraining technologies will catch up with the accelerating flow of knowledge renewal and bring the needs of Sustainable Development into harmony with human resources.
The role of education in sustainable human development has not been sufficiently evaluated or revised for decades.
It is based on the old classroom-lesson approach and formula: “Education for life,” which was enough when knowledge was renewed every 30 years.
Life today demands a different formula: “Education Through Life,” i.e., lifelong learning.

This should become a priority of state policy, an integral part of laws and constitutions, and then a mental attitude of human civilization.

It is necessary to implement this formula in all the efforts of states to confront the problems that exist.

Thank you for your attention!

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