70th Anniversary of the International Association Znanie and VIII Congress of the Association – May 2, 2017. – Paphos, Cyprus


70th Anniversary of the International Association Znanie and VIII Congress of the Association – May 2, 2017. – Paphos, Cyprus

On May 2, 2017 in the city of Paphos, Cyprus, the regular, VIII Congress of the International Knowledge Association was held.

The Congress was dedicated to the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Association.

The 70th Anniversary Celebration and the Congress was attended by representatives of the Association from many countries and states: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Israel, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Czech Republic and many other countries.

The VIII Congress was held on May 02, 2017. The agenda items discussed were:

1) Approval of decisions of the Presidential Council made during the reporting period;

2) Admission of new members to the Association (if there are applications);

3) Report of the Association’s President, Academician, Professor E. M. Malitikov “World University: Knowledge Exchange without National, Cultural and Linguistic Borders”;

4) Report of the Executive Committee of the Association;

5) Report of the Control and Revision Commission;

6) Discussion of reports and speeches of chairpersons of organizations – members of the Association;

7) About the Concept of MA Znanie activity on integration of navigation-telecommunication and information resources of the planet in the interests of education and solution of humanitarian problems of humanity

8) Amendments and additions to the Charter of the Association;

9) Election of the Association’s governing bodies:

A) Election of the President and First Vice-President of the Association;

B) Approval of the composition of the Association’s Presidential Council;

C) Election of the Vice-President – Chairman of the Association’s Executive Committee;

D) Approval of the Executive Committee of the Association;

E) Election of the Control and Revision Commission of Association – Approval of the Commission’s Chairman;

F) Miscellaneous.

Efim Mikhailovich Malitikov, President of the Association, in his report “World University: Knowledge Exchange without National, Cultural and Linguistic Borders” set the course, the concept of the Association.

New members of the Association were elected, the Charter considered, the new composition of the Presidential Council, Executive Committee and the Revision Commission approved.

The current President, Academician Efim Mikhailovich Malitikov was unanimously elected President of the International Association “Znanie” for another 5-year term.

Academician Asylbek Aidaraliev and Nana Yesayan were elected vice-presidents.

The celebration of the 70th anniversary of MA Znanie was held at the Residence of the Association in Paphos, May 3, 2017, with the participation of artists from the World Talent Foundation, led by David Gvinianidze, as well as with the participation of the local, Cyprus Symphony Orchestra, led by the conductor Yannis Hadjilouizou.

The members of the Association spent several more days in Paphos for working meetings and discussions on the integration of Cyprus into the distance education system promoted by the Association.

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