My Philosophy of World Education: A Method of Education for the Elderly Using Satellite Technology. Switzerland, Geneva Meeting of the Third Preparatory Committee


Meeting of the Third Preparatory Committee for the World Summit on the Information Society

Geneva, Switzerland
Wednesday, 17 September 2003.

My Philosophy of World Education: A Method of Education for the Elderly Using Satellite Technology

Academician Efim Mikhailovich Malitikov

President, International Society “Znanie”,

Chairman, Interstate Committee of CIS on Dissemination of Knowledge and Adult Education,

Patron of the Modern Humanities University

Knowledge is food for people and it energizes the mind and the body. The mind points the way and makes the future a reality.

When the mind has knowledge and is aware that it has a future, its power does not diminish and it does not degenerate, for life must receive intellectual nourishment.

Too much financial resources are wasted on the elderly in the form of spending on pensions, health care, and nursing homes because mentally broken and physically unhealthy people do not see a positive future for themselves.

When you give education, intellectual nourishment to the elderly, you prolong their lives and at the same time preserve economic resources. Intellectual food–knowledge and education–gives seniors more energy, and they cost far less than individuals, businesses, and governments spend on health care.

Living a long life without traditional retirement makes the country stronger, provides useful work for the elderly, invaluable information for children who now have teachers who can pass on their experiences to the young. The combination of the experience of the elderly and the energy of the young is invaluable.

