Dr. Fannie Wilner (Ashdod, Israel) receiving the Medal of Academician Malitikov

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International Association “Znanie” awards veterans

At the end of May in Israel, the Gold Medal of Academician Efim Malitikov, President of the International Association “Znanie”, for outstanding services in the dissemination of knowledge and inspiring example of active longevity was awarded to Dr. Faina Grigorievna (Fanny) Vilner, a well-known physician and educator, a former chief cardiologist of the Volga Region, lecturer and longtime presenter of health groups in Israel.

The honorary award was presented at a creative evening in honor of Dr. Willner’s 90th birthday at the Duna Municipal House of Culture in Ashdod.

The medal and the laureate’s diploma were presented by Zhanna Tverskaya, head of the Israeli Znanie Society and official representative of MA Znanie in Israel.

“Dr. Wilner is a tireless educator and veteran of the Znanie Society, a highly qualified specialist, a cardiologist of the highest certification category, an excellent lecturer and authoritative scientist, author of effective methods on topical problems of longevity and ways to improve the quality of life, herself a shining example of active longevity,” said Zhanna Tverskaya in her greeting.

The evening was attended by representatives of the Ashdod mayor’s office, the head of the municipal department and integration Stella Weinstein, residents – members of the “Modern Woman and Modern Man” club, which Dr. Willner has led for many years.

The pectoral gold medal of Academician Yefim Malitikov, Chairman of the Interstate Committee for the Dissemination of Knowledge and Adult Education and President of MA Znanie, is awarded for outstanding services in the dissemination of knowledge and promotion of enlightenment.

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