Vernadsky’s Noosphere – May 17, 2016. – Beirut, Lebanon




V.I. Vernadsky and the Educational Revolution of the XXI Century: Space at the Service of Education

The whole history of mankind – it is a history of its interaction with nature, with the geographical environment. In the process of this interaction between them there is a stablĕ exchange, which has a difficult and in many ways contradictory nature. Year by year, the nature of this interaction changes. And society’s pressure on nature is increasing rapidly.

The planet’s ecosystems are living organisms. They sense, see, hear and react. They respond adequately and powerfully. Nature and human activity on Earth are in a state of inconsistency, for which mankind pays with natural and man-made disasters, and this threatens not only the fragmented world economies and local internecine mentalities of states and governments, but also the sustainable development of life on Earth.

Globalization and technological progress have raised before mankind the problem of preserving the environment and protecting it from natural and man-made disasters.

The development of broad international cooperation is a dictate of the times. The emergence of new threats and the aggravation of many existing threats on a global scale – from terrorism and the spread of weapons of mass destruction to natural and man-made disasters – require a solidarity response of the entire world community.

At the same time, the interdependence of a globalizing world and the emerging multipolarity create favorable conditions for the development of international relations in the interest of the fullest possible use of the achievements of science and advanced technology for the benefit of all countries and peoples.

Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky, the outstanding scientist and educator of our time, said with amazing insight: “We are approaching a great revolution in the life of mankind, which cannot be compared with everything he has experienced before. The time is not far off when man will get his hands on atomic energy, such a source of power, which will give him the opportunity to build his life as he wants … Will man be able to use this power, to direct it to the good, not to self-destruction? Scientists should not close their eyes to the possible consequences of their scientific work, the scientific process. They should feel responsible for the consequences of their discoveries. They must link their work to the better organization of all mankind.”

Vladimir Vernadsky considered an important stage in the irreversible evolution of the biosphere as its transition to the stage of the noosphere.

Among the main prerequisites for the emergence of the noosphere the great enlightener and popularizer of knowledge noted the victory of democracy and access to governance of the broad masses of people, as well as the increasing involvement of people in science, which also makes mankind a geological force.

Vernadsky believed in the purpose of science as the main factor in the improvement of society.

Realizing that in Russia the development of science is possible only with government support, Vernadsky, an eternal critic of the authorities, made every effort to strengthen the scientific potential of the country, understanding that the Romanovs and Lenins are gone, and Russia must survive the cataclysms of the 20th century.

Vernadsky actively defended the freedom of scientific creativity and believed that under the influence of the success of science the most amoral regime would be transformed.

The scientist wrote: “The whole history of science shows at every step that individuals have been more right in their assertions than whole corporations of scientists or hundreds and thousands of researchers who held the dominant views… The truth is often more revealed to these scientific heretics than to the orthodox representatives of scientific thought. Of course, not all groups and individuals on the sidelines of the scientific worldview possess this great insight into the future of human thought, but only a few, a few. But the real people with the maximum true scientific worldview for the time in question are always among them, among the groups and individuals on the sidelines, among the scientific heretics, not among the representatives of the dominant scientific worldview. It is not for contemporaries to distinguish them from those who are deluded.

Man’s conquest of the cosmos is unequivocally one of the most important turns in the history of human society. This turn of development has expanded the sphere of reason, the sphere of interaction between nature and society.

Space influences the affairs of the earth in the most direct way, thus helping people in their work and education.

Taking into consideration the great applied significance of the aerospace potential accumulated by mankind for the prevention of natural and man-made threats, the International Association “Znanie” together with the International Academy of Astronautics and the Russian Academy of Astronautics named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky, together with the Russian Academy of Astronautics, created the basis for the development of aerospace technology for the prevention of the natural and man-made threats. The initiative to create the International Aerospace Global Monitoring System (IGMASS) was launched by the International Association “Znanie” together with the International Academy of Astronautics and the Russian Academy of Astronautics named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky.

The IGMASS project is an initiative of Russian scientific and public organizations to create the International Global Monitoring Aerospace System, a major organizational and technical system which integrates within its framework (along with a specially created space segment – a constellation of microsatellites with on-board equipment for the detection of early warning signs of natural disasters and an asteroid and comet danger early warning echelon) both existing and future national and international aviation and ground facilities

An important element of IGMASS can become an international subsystem of distance learning in the field of monitoring and forecasting of natural and man-made disasters, which will allow both significantly expand the opportunities for mastering the profile educational programs of professional development and operational training of the relevant specialists, and improve the quality of education in educational institutions located far from the administrative-industrial and cultural centers.

The participants of the IGMASS Project implementation are:

space agencies and government agencies of equivalent status;
International organizations and private companies
non-governmental organisations;
enterprises of the rocket and space industry;
Academies of Science;
Scientific research institutions and universities.
The use of navigation, telecommunications and information resources of the global community integrated into the future system will make it possible, through IGMASS, to effectively solve modern humanitarian problems of mankind which, along with distance learning and telemedicine in information-poor areas, already familiar, include the preservation of cultural values, objects of natural and historical heritage, maintenance of ecology, assessment of the state and preservation of biosphere and noosphere identity in national and regional

In this regard, education and awareness-raising and the World Knowledge Exchange based on space telecommunications are an integral part of IGMASS, capable of effectively counteracting destructive processes with which no single economy in the world can cope.

Traditional education, due to its inertia, cannot keep up with the changing world. And the world is changing radically before our eyes, shaping a new scientific paradigm for the 21st century. Of course, the new generation does not have enough of the old information and intellectual resource.

For centuries knowledge has been represented as a limited volume that can be acquired only within the walls of a school or university. However, in the information society, this volume is no longer enough for the rest of our lives, the pipelines of knowledge are not stretched through all of life.

The great scientist V.I. Vernadsky argued: “Mankind is an absolutely unique kind of earthly resources, possessing a very specific nature of energy replenishment – through knowledge.

Modern universities and educational centers must possess their own space teleporters, becoming, in essence, telecoms for the exchange of mutually accepted

best content. All of them should be involved in the export-import of knowledge through a single distribution teleport, which becomes a Planetary Knowledge Exchange, delivering it on demand to any end of the world, to any consumer, from the individual to the university.

At the same time the exchange should collect, process, translate, providing subtitles and simultaneous translation, this knowledge into any language, freeing the younger generation and adults from the crippling costs and costly pilgrimage for knowledge to other cities and countries, Tretyakovqs and Louvres.

Taking on a noble educational mission and becoming the technical basis for the exchange dissemination of knowledge, the MAKSM project will have every reason to accelerate the payback of its costs and will deserve the gratitude of posterity.

The digital divide should become a digital opportunity, not an abyss.

We have no one to shift the responsibility to, we will not be able to find an understudy in the fight against the violation of sustainable development, for the preservation of the Earth’s biodiversity. The instinct to preserve the species, a tertiary tool, lags behind the destructive processes going on on Earth, just as the classroom-lesson system of education with knowledge changing every 30 years of the last century does not satisfy the laws of productivity of world governance.

Lifelong education is the tool, the rod that will unlock the grip of poverty and violence, create jobs, and minimize chaotic migration. Life without education is a worthless existence. Power without education is stupid and murderous. A country without adult education laws is a field overgrown with noxious weeds.

Humanity already has at its disposal the global potential of satellite communications, which, when used en masse, are a hundred times cheaper than cable Internet.

Following the global demand, the Interstate Committee on Extension and Adult Education and the International Association “Knowledge” as the UN General Consultant have membership and status of the basic organization in a super modern educational structure – the Modern Humanities Academy (MHA).

The MHA is one of the five largest universities in the world. It has its own space teleport covering more than 900 cities in 14 countries. Its 2,500 professors educate 175,000 students in 68 specialties.

Following the doctrine of conversion of military production, the Interstate Committee for the dissemination of knowledge and adult education and the International Association “Knowledge” together with the English company SatEduNet put forward the idea of creating the World University of Distance Education (WUDE) and providing global coverage in the interests of world cooperation and international division of labor through mutual exchange in the form of export-import of knowledge from leading universities and professors of the world.

The World University as a distributor of modern knowledge is the guarantor

Providing the global economy with highly qualified workforce at the national and international level.

Organizationally, legally and actually the work of the WUDO began with the efforts of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Thus, the technical center of the ATCM is provided by the Research Institute of Space Systems with the support of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after Konstantin Tsiolkovsky.

Unfortunately, the effectiveness of this work is reduced by heterogeneous perceptions, inflexible policies of individual states, imperfect international mechanisms, national egoism, and local interests. Besides, the old educational system insists that the main factor of successful education is the direct contact between a pupil and a teacher.

We need new learning technologies that allow an immediate response to changes in the human environment and geopolitical trends. Humanity needs to rely on fundamentally new knowledge. Highly motivated independence of people in learning new disciplines, mastering new professions, techniques and principles of life is required. All this makes it necessary to look for new modern tools for disseminating knowledge.

V.I. Vernadsky asserted: “For scientific development it is necessary to recognize the complete freedom of the individual, of the personal spirit, for only under this condition can one scientific worldview be replaced by another, created by the free, independent work of the individual.

This can be facilitated by the desire of any state to make the project of MAXM a priority of its policy and to implement a new philosophy and formula “Education – through life!” as an integral part of laws and constitutions, and then the mental attitude of human civilization.

States need to implement this formula to confront the global problems of all humanity.

Engagement with one’s own government is always less effective than diversified diversified relationships and contacts with a coalition of states looking back at each other.

This is why almost 50 states are involved in space programs today, having overcome bureaucratic hurdles and already created their own space agencies without space launch sites or their own space industry.

At the same time mankind has accumulated experience and has measuring and forecasting equipment which, given the political will of the states and their leaders, make it possible to minimize human casualties and loss of material assets.

Not all of the projects under discussion are destined to materialize, but science does not develop otherwise. It is only through contradictions and mistakes that progress is made. But even achievements can quickly depreciate if new methods of work are not mastered to meet the challenges of our time.

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