Creation of an international aerospace system for monitoring global phenomena. Glasgow, UK


Creation of an international aerospace system for monitoring global phenomena. Glasgow, UK
International Academy of Astronautics Academic Day

28 September 2008, Glasgow, United Kingdom


“The creation of an international aerospace system for monitoring global phenomena”

at the round table “Creation of international aerospace system of global phenomena monitoring”.

Efim Malitikov,

Full member of K.E. Tsiolkovsky Russian Academy of Astronautics, Corresponding Member of International Academy of Astronautics,

Chairman of the Interstate Committee for Extension of Knowledge and Adult Education,

President of the International Association “Znanie”,

Doctor of Economics and Law, Professor

Dear Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, members of the Academy, colleagues!

I support the proposal of Professor V.A. Menshikov to create an international aerospace system for monitoring global phenomena. The issue is very topical and requires concentration of efforts of all interested countries. There are no national borders for earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, landslides and floods. As it was said in his message, every year on Earth about 30 thousand people die from earthquakes, and economic damage from seismic disasters exceeds one trillion dollars every year. And I want to emphasize that this is a hundred times more than the total cost of creating this monitoring system for planetary needs.

An important element is also a proposal to develop centralized remote training for specialists in monitoring and forecasting natural disasters, as well as in other fields of science and technology, using advanced space and information technologies. People must gain knowledge of what is happening on the planet and be prepared to face the challenges of nature.

NIICS under the guidance of Professor V.A. Menshikov, Deputy General Director of the Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center, has built up a large reserve for all mankind, so that this monitoring system can be created in the shortest possible time.
