Constituent meeting of the Expert Analytical Club “CEP – Consensus of the elites of the planet


On October 6, 2015, the founding meeting of the INTERNATIONAL EXPERTS AND ANALYST CLUB


In our turbulent world, filled with conflicts, demarches, contradictions, wars, only a joint agreement, consent, or in parliamentary terms “consensus” of the elites can significantly and beneficially affect the course of world History. Landmark, providential, historically necessary event of international scale in the form of the establishment of the club CEP was held in one of the offices of the International Association “Knowledge” – at Moscow, Gilyarovsky street, 50.

The theme of the meeting, marked in advance by like-minded people – “COALITION OF HOPE” – The topic of the meeting was connected with the jubilee session of the UN General Assembly. The theme of the first, or founding, meeting of the CEP club was a general course toward achieving a systemic consensus of the world’s elites. The following questions were put on the agenda:

1. the historical challenges of contemporary civilization and possible responses of the Russian and world elites
Panel discussions of Vladimir Putin’s keynote address to the United Nations General Assembly on the issues of contemporary international politics
Discussion of the mission and activities of the CEP Club.

The founding meeting of the CEP Club began with a Skype conference – Bulgarian colleagues from Sofia got in touch. Our strategic partners, associates, friends, and representatives of various elites – political circles, public organizations, and business communities – shared their vision of the geopolitical situation in the world and their perception of Vladimir Putin’s speech at the UN General Assembly.

After the Skype-conference with Sophia, the President of MA Znanie, Yefim Mikhailovich Malitikov, addressed the audience with his introductory speech. In his opening speech, Efim Mikhailovich emphasized that the establishment and development of the International Expert Analytical Club “CEP – CONCENSUS ELITE PLANET” is primarily a search for like-minded people, associates, strategic and tactical partners in the promotion and implementation of a new civilization model based on humane values, the ideas of sustainable development of the planet and adult education. These cornerstone, basic ideas of transforming society in the first place require joint elaboration, implementation in a spirit of consensus, cooperation, mutual understanding.

After the speech of E.M. Malitikov, Sergey Dvoryanov, Director of the Foundation “Spiritual Heritage of the Planet” and moderator of the CEP Club, spoke. Overview and capaciously, Sergey Dvoryanov described in his speech the main directions of the club CEP. The essence of CEP project is regular meetings with participation of representatives of different international elite communities in the mode of open communications, discussions, and brainstorming.

By the idea of its founders and inspirers, including the President of MA “Znanie” Efim Mikhailovich Malitikov, the President of the Foundation “Spiritual Heritage of the Planet” Grigory Kamalyan, the director of the Foundation “Spiritual Heritage of the Planet” Sergey Dvoryanov is an effective tool for international communications, the way of public influence on the system of values, a unique methodology for establishing relationships with famous politicians, public figures, artists, athletes, philanthropists, as well as a group of experts.

After Sergey Dvoryanov’s speech the Ambassador-at-Large for the Republic of San Marino in Russia Yuri Alexeev made a speech. The topic of his mini-report was the understanding of the problems of investment in the most important humanitarian sphere: “Human Capital as the Basis of the Knowledge Economy. Then the reports of Honored Artist of Russia Alexander Shilov, producer Vladimir Uglichin, editor-in-chief of “The ABC of Life” magazine Anna Artamonova, economist and political scientist Igor Filonenko and other participants of the first founding meeting were heard.

In the draft joint communiqué the mission of the club was formulated. The mission of the club “CEP – CONCENSUS OF THE ELITE PLANET” is to unite the elites, to conduct systematic analysis and discussions, in the mode of real meetings and exchange of opinions, which will facilitate the consensus and unification of representatives of various elite groups, understanding of the vector of political, ideological, civilization development of Russia and other countries in modern conditions. Configurations of the basic principles of dialogue, on the basis of which consensus is possible, have been defined and developed in the mode of free discussion.
