Collaboration Agreement


The states-participants of the present Agreement, represented by the governments, hereinafter referred to as Parties, expressing desire to strengthen friendly interethnic relations, development of integration processes in the Commonwealth of Independent States,

taking into account the importance of support and mutual enrichment of national cultures and education, preservation of a common cultural and information space

taking into consideration the traditionally established links between the peoples of the Commonwealth in the humanitarian sphere and a mutual interest in strengthening and expanding them in every possible way

aware of the need to create an interstate system of lifelong learning for the adult population

full of sincere aspiration for equal cooperation in the field of dissemination of knowledge

realizing the need to create a mechanism for cooperation of the Parties in the implementation of joint programs and projects in the field of dissemination of knowledge and adult education

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1

The Parties shall undertake to create favorable conditions for the dissemination within their respective territories of information promoting the up-to-date achievements in science, technology, culture and education, as well as cooperation in this area, contributing to the consolidation of creative and scientific potential in the solution of social and economic problems.

Article 2

Parties shall support the work of national enlightenment and other organizations working in the field of knowledge dissemination and adult education, provide them with methodical and advisory assistance and support.

Article 3

Parties shall assist in the development and implementation of national programs to enhance the intellectual potential of the individual through socially significant projects aimed at the sustainable development of society, as well as the preparation and testing of new approaches to the implementation of promising social technologies for the benefit of individuals and the ethical improvement of society.

Article 4

Parties shall create favorable conditions for attracting funds from international financial institutions for the implementation of programs for the dissemination of achievements in science, culture and social construction among the population of the Parties.

Article 5

Parties, in cooperation with national scientific and educational organizations, shall implement programs to humanize urban and rural environments, revive and preserve the most significant objects of history, culture and religion, ensure free access to information on cultural heritage and its sources in the States Parties to this Agreement.

Article 6

Parties shall promote the active involvement in the dissemination of knowledge and adult education of the intellectual elite, public associations, and creative unions operating in the territory of the Parties.

Article 7

Parties shall promote the creation and expansion on their territories of a network of organizations-providers providing access to global information networks to the population and institutions of the Parties.

Article 8

Parties shall hold systematic consultations on the determination of priorities for activities in the field of dissemination of knowledge and adult education, hold joint scientific-practical conferences, seminars and symposiums, receive and send lecturers and specialists on a mutual basis, publish methodical publications, utilize other forms of experience exchange.

Article 9

For the implementation of this Agreement, the Parties shall establish the Interstate Committee for the Dissemination of Knowledge and Adult Education, hereinafter referred to as the Committee, which shall act in accordance with its Statute, being an integral part of this Agreement.

Article 10

Interpretation and application of the provisions of this Agreement shall be settled through mutual consultations and negotiations between the Parties concerned.

Article 11

This Agreement may be amended by mutual consent of Parties.

Article 12

The Party that decides to withdraw from this Agreement shall notify the depositary of this Agreement in writing no later than six months in advance.

Article 13

This Agreement is open for accession by any state that recognizes the provisions of the Agreement.

Article 14

This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of its signature.

Done in the city of Moscow on 17 January 1997 in one original in the Russian language. The original copy shall be kept at the Executive Secretariat of the Commonwealth of Independent States, which will send a certified copy to each signatory state.