“Federalnaya Gazeta,” October 2004. “Digital standard is his way of life.”



President of MA Znanie Efim Malitikov is a Doctor of Economics, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Law, Professor at the University of Chicago and the University of Denver (USA), Chairman of the CIS Interstate Committee on Knowledge Dissemination and Adult Education. He has achieved high authority in a wide range of activities.

He worked his way up from the department head, deputy director of the Central Scientific Research Institute; enterprise director, chief engineer and general director of an industrial association to the head of the All-Union Administration, deputy minister of the USSR, Chairman of the Interstate Committee of the CIS.

Purposeful, mobile and versatile gifted, he does not tolerate archaic (“analog”) schemes. “Digital” standard – one of his favorite concepts – characterizes his lifestyle. His “ebullient” nature combines the mind of a scientist, the acumen of a businessman, and the talent of an executive administrator. He is a professor at renowned American universities and manages a multitude of international projects: educational; construction of airports, power plants, dams, telecommunications; and the military-industrial complex.

In the years of perestroika he created and led INPA “OLYMP”, which included 112 major industrial enterprises of the CIS leading sectors of the economy. He initiated the creation and led as CEO of Renaissance IPA, with it Honorary President Boris Yeltsin.

Being the ninth president in the whole 50-years history of the Association “Znanie” he managed not only to maintain intellectual and personnel potential of “Znanie” in all CIS and Baltic states but also to give a powerful impulse to development of the largest public institution of the former USSR – All-USSR Association “Znanie” that became legal predecessor of the International Association “Znanie” (IA “Znanie”).

Е. Malitikov consolidated the authority of the Association in the world. The Economic and Social Council of the United Nations granted MA “Znanie” the highest general status for non-governmental organizations of the United Nations, and Malitikov – the status of its official representative.

At the personal invitation of the UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, he was the only representative of the world’s non-governmental organizations at the Millennium Summit, the Forum of Presidents of all states of the world.

MA Znanie has acquired the status of the regional coordinator and the leading UN non-governmental organization for Eastern Europe, the main operator of the World Electronic Forum of Non-Governmental Organizations of the World with the status in the UN. In 2001 the World Industrial Development Organization gave it consultative status of UNIDO. MA Znanie has become a truly international union of public non-governmental non-profit organizations, representing more than 30 NGOs in 24 countries of the world. Among them: The International Association of Non-Governmental Universities, the Russian Association of Non-Governmental Universities, the Association of Russian (State) Universities, the International Union of Economists, the Free Economic Society of Russia, etc.

Recognition of the IA “Znanie” at the public level allows it to carry out interstate initiatives as well.

Every year E. Malitikov supports UN Agenda 21 and the UN Program for Sustainable Development. He promotes the development of a new supranational super-branch of the planetary world order – adult education, the most important factor and tool of social development.

At the initiative of the President of MA Znanie E. Malitikov, the President of Kyrgyzstan, the President of Moldova as well as the Prime Minister of Armenia proposed to create the CIS Interstate Committee on Dissemination of Knowledge and Adult Education. On January 17, 1997 during the session of the Council of the Heads of Governments of the CIS the “Agreement on Cooperation in the Sphere of Dissemination of Knowledge and Adult Education” was signed and the Interstate Committee of the CIS was created. E. Malitikov was elected Chairman of the Committee. IA “Znanie” is a full member of this Committee.

The Interstate Committee of the CIS and MA “Znanie” together with the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS adopted for consideration by the Council of Heads of State and the Council of Heads of Governments of the CIS the following draft decisions: to establish national committees in every CIS Member State; to open doors of all educational institutions (state and non-state) for use as a training base for the adult education system; to divide tasks, authorities and responsibilities between the systems of basic education and adult education, mutual cooperation.

Currently, in the countries of the Commonwealth there is active work on the creation of branches and branches of the SGA (Modern Humanitarian Academy).

The Modern University of Continuing Adult Education was created on the basis of the CIS Interstate Committee.

Special attention to the issue of adult education was paid at the Summit of Presidents – the Millennium Forum in New York as well as the G8 Heads of State in Japan and Germany, the UNESCO World Conference. These forums declared the necessity of state and political support for continuing adult education in the era of the information revolution and the transition to the information society for the prosperity of the planet without wars, terrorism and conflicts.

Е. Malitikov is the author of more than 90 scientific works, famous international reports and public initiatives, the president of the Academy of Information Science of international structures, an academician of the International Academy of Informatization, the International Energy Academy, the Armenian Academy of Humanism, the New York Academy of Sciences and a number of other academies of sciences in the world. He is a member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics. He is also an Honorary Professor at the Modern Humanitarian University and the Armenian Open University. He is the founder of personal awards and scholarships for the best students in a number of CIS countries.

Е. Malitikov is a member of the World Economic Forum, the First Vice-President of the Russian Association of the Club of Rome, a member of the International Vienna Council and a member of the Presidium of the Danube-European Institute, a member of the International Union of Economists and the Board of the Russian Free Economic Society, a member of the UN TASS-FORS working group, the founder and member of the Board of Trustees of the Charity Foundation “Culture and Education in Extreme Conditions”. He is also Deputy Director General of the International Biographical Center for Europe, a member of the International Biographical Association, and a recipient of the Leonardo da Vinci Award for Inspirational Achievement.

Е. Malitikov was awarded the title of International Educator of the Year 2003, the titles of International Goodwill Ambassador and International
International Ambassador of Peace, was awarded the International Medal of Honor and Name Ribbon, named “Man of the Year 2004”, was awarded the International Peace Prize.

Yefim enjoys water skiing, scuba diving, kitesurfing, airplane piloting, swimming in an ice-hole – has a lot of students – followers of this extreme method of recovery, etc. He is married. Wife – L. Malitikova, Doctor of Science (chemistry), Professor, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the International Chemical Concern “ELIN”.

In the era of information technology, abundance of information, development of globalization on the planet, the emergence of previously unknown to mankind problems, each inhabitant of the planet must have a certain intelligence to understand the world around him, the problems of our time, must have access to information, the ability to obtain and update knowledge. The time has come to pay the closest attention to the improvement of human knowledge, his education. President of the International Association “Knowledge”, Chairman of the Interstate Committee for the dissemination of knowledge and adult education – Efim Malitikov for many years brings to life the attitude: “EDUCATION FOR ALL LIFE”, solves the problem of adult education, access to knowledge in the most remote and difficult corners of the world. Speaking at world summits, conferences, congresses in Geneva (Switzerland), Greifswald, Johannesburg (Germany) and other countries he touches upon the actual issues – the use of satellite technology in education, the most important tools for the development of human resources in modern forms of education, the development of the information society achievements, voicing his philosophy of world education. I give the floor to Yefim Malitikov.

Mistakes can be very expensive!
The standard of living of people determines their level of education. Moreover, we do not consider those who once received education uneducated, we keep statistics, we report on how many people graduated from school, how many got higher education. But how many of them are backward, can not write or read – no records at all are kept …

Billions of people on the planet today, in the XXI century (!), cannot write or read. Billions – live on $1 a day, and even less in the Russian provinces and CIS countries. Hungry and bloodless, uneducated people are ready for any crime. They form that fanatical part of humanity, the critical mass of which is very large.

And if on a mental level man were free from the need to struggle daily for survival, there would be no need to break laws.

Speaking first of all about adults, I would like to point out that 5-6 years after graduating from the most modern, powerful, distinguished educational institution, but not being able to apply his knowledge in life, a person becomes an intellectual bankrupt, no matter in what rank he was.

Yes, some held on only because they had a quick reaction to changes in society, and some united in a vicious circle to achieve common goals and did not let in those who think up-to-date, who own the situation.

The education we once received to use it is not enough.

One must understand and not consider that one has received a completed education. At any age, even at the age of 80, he must have access to information, knowledge, which is constantly updated. Whoever does not have it sufficiently, may find himself on the margins – no one needs it.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union the new states have felt a false freedom, independence, especially independence from the Russian language. Russian was the state language among the 250 million population of the former Soviet Union -1/ 6 of the planet. But, the independent states decided to have their own script, culture – even though they had kept it before, their own official state language. They have the right! However, to lose a single-

There are words that did not exist in Azerbaijani, Armenian, Kyrgyz and other languages, but were approved as English-Russian in all official relations. As a result, by not learning English, people lost Russian as well.

Here’s an example. To create a Russian-Georgian-English dictionary of foreign trade terms it was necessary to find, invent, invent an analogous, adequate to Russian and English word – already accepted in the world – Georgian word. As a result, today all foreign trade documents are signed in Russian and English.

The new generation, for example, in auls, kishlaks, speaking their native language, does not develop, but loses their culture. Because Russian culture developed by absorbing spiritual and cultural values of peoples living on the territory of the Russian state.

Many presidents of the CIS countries have understood this today and are bringing back the Russian language…

Education must come even to those villages, where only 60 people live, to the most inaccessible corners and hot spots of the planet. People there are especially in need of knowledge and are not burdened by any traditional conventions, but today they can’t not only get to the university center inside their country, but also walk to the school in the neighboring aul for lack of clothes. In addition, there is no electricity, no transportation. But give them knowledge and they will begin to advance the life of their godforsaken region.

Knowledge is food for people and it energizes the mind and the body. The mind points the way and makes the future a reality.

I believe that, first of all, we need to pay attention to the philosophy of life, to what gets in our way. We are caught up in the day of today. And he who does not think about tomorrow, practically deprives himself of it.

Today the deficit of teachers, the number of uneducated people is so great that we can close the gap only by dramatically, repeatedly increasing the audience for education, by introducing the attitude of “lifelong learning”.

This is the attitude of the entire world community! This is the focus of the UN programs for the twenty-first century, all the tasks of the millennium.

When the mind possesses knowledge and realizes that it has a future, its power does not weaken and it does not degenerate, because life must receive intellectual nourishment.

Mentally broken and physically unhealthy older people do not see a positive future for themselves. But when you give them education, intellectual nourishment, you prolong their lives, while reducing the cost of pensions, nursing homes – preserving the economic resources of the state.

Longer lives-without traditional retirement-make the country stronger, provide useful jobs for the elderly, invaluable information for children who now have teachers who can pass on their experiences.

Education is not just a separate industry, but an instrument of sustainable human development, a critical factor in societal development.

Any one of us, be it the president of a country or the president of an academy of sciences, can find ourselves in a child’s environment and be criticized for not understanding many of the processes that children have. The younger generation will one day begin to run the world in a new way. It will be a rigid style, where there will be no room for adults, older people, their mentality. And in order to be authoritative for young people, it is necessary, in terms of education, to start improving and thinking about how to live tomorrow. The combination of the experience of the elderly and the energy of the young is priceless! The mind sustains a person for many years – food only for hours.


Despite everyone’s right to learn, I believe that education in our country is so organized that only the “best” have the right to it today. Only those who have the means to pay tuition.

Moreover, no one thinks about the fact that a person, like a flower bud, can blossom and show his abilities at different ages and different times. For example, there are students, former excellent schools, which succeed only in 1 – 2 courses of the institute, and by the 4th – lose their leadership. Or those who came from the countryside, showed the utmost diligence and passed the exam. Such students are the most prepared by the end of their studies at the university.

I believe that education should be accessible to everyone, regardless of whether they have money or not. An interview should take place with each applicant to understand his or her aspirations.

Did all of our academics come out of school with honors, and did all honors students become academics? And how many children of the “ready rubes” are achieving success today? …

The so-called purchased diploma is a temporary thing. The employer today does not care about the diploma, but about the skills, the person’s desire to work. You cannot console yourself with just a diploma.

All our approaches to education are based on the Constitution which obliges only secondary education and higher education on a competitive basis and on a budget. We have never had an adequate budget to provide a modern education, and neither has a rich country like America.

To train modern people, it is necessary to have 6% of the national gross product invested in education. No one will ever give that.

Nevertheless, people should choose for themselves where to study – in paid or free, state or non-state universities. And you cannot monopolize this industry by letting state universities have big buildings with columns.

Today, thanks to the Modern Humanities Academy (formerly SGU University), which has 400 branches of its own institutes, and the use of satellite technology, children without leaving their village, without knowing English, have the opportunity to take a course, pass an exam and obtain a corresponding diploma directly from the University in Cambridge. SGA is the main basic educational
It is the leading basic educational center of IA “Znanie” (UNO Regional Coordinator for Eastern Europe and CIS) – has General consultative status with UN ECOSOC and Consultative status with UNIDO, and is an operator of the constantly operating worldwide interregional electronic forum – IREN NGO-UN Network.

It is the fifth higher educational establishment in the world (after similar higher educational institutions of China, India, Mexico, and Great Britain); by the number of its applicants it is seven times larger than Lomonosov Moscow State University; it is the largest in the post-Soviet area, including by concentration of its own newest technological innovations.

The University has returned to the mountain villages and low-income remote areas of Russia and the CIS countries the constitutional right to education, which has not been realized until now due to the inaccessible natural conditions.
